Dozer Downloads FAQ |
FAQ: More Coming Soon!! What if Im overseas? Can I still order?? So far, things are NOT looking good. I am still researching this. What is your refund policy?? There are no refunds. If however, the DVD disc is damaged upon arrival, a new DVD can be sent to the
same address. The reason is the same as for CD and DVD multimedia purchased at stores such as Wal-Mart.... The DVD can be copied to your harddrive. The DVD is actually written as a Data Disk. The intro tutorial on
the DVD recommends copying the contents to your hard drive. This way, the tutorial will not be ran from the DVD itself. Otherwise,
you would have to wait for the computer to READ the DVD, in order to play each video. A waste of precious time. For this reason, No Refunds will be issued, and is fully protected under Paypal's "Seller Protection Plan".
Rest assured. I have a clean track record with Paypal. I would not jeapordize that. I am not in the business of ripping people
off. I am not hidden like alot of companies. You know exactly who I am. We are like family up in here. How can we contact you?? Do you offer technical support?? If you have any questions about anything, hit me up by email first. If necessary, you
may call me. I also offer full "production" technical support. If you have any questions/comments about
any portion of the tutorial, feel free to contact me. What is a Confirmed Address?? Only those who have had their address "Confirmed" by Paypal will be allowed to order. How a Buyer Can Confirm an Address Can I recieve the tutorials via Internet Download?? No. The tutorial file size is 4.6 Gigabytes. Practically a full DVD(4.7GB). I do not have a full server running
in my office to handle the workload. The cost of paying others to host the file is not "cost-effective".
ALSO..Most tutorials you may order are basically the same file, hosted by a server. However, due to a certain process carried
out for each video(watermark protection), this cannot be done with this DVD. Each video on the DVD is custom mixed/batch processed
with a hidden watermark code that is linked to the purchasers address information in our database. For "Copyright Infingement"
purposes. Can I just have a certain tutorial from the DVD at a discounted price?? I already know about compression,
I just want the Mastering Tutorial section of the DVD, is that possible? Sorry, not possible. The 9 Hour Mastering Tutorials section of the DVD alone is worth far more than the current
price. Think of it as ordering a 9 Hour Video DVD on Mastering, and getting all the other hours of tutorials
on the DVD for free. Or, think of it as ordering More than 17 Hours of Video DVD tutorials, and getting
the 9 Hour Mastering section for free. For the same price Im charging on a Large Scale project, others are charging the same price for a product
that isn't even a quarter amount of total tutorial time compared to my DVD. The idea
behind this project, is that originally, it was going to be a tutorial CD(not DVD), and the tutorial was NOT going to go indepth on compression..equalization..ect... It was going to be mainly video access to different finished tracks/songs. Showing how the track was created. All the different settings, routing, and effects. That project was originally going to be in the same price range. But then I got to thinking. Screw it, Im going the extra mile. For the same price
range, Im going to make a larger project!! Once I seen that the tutorial file size was larger than CD
size(700MB), everything changed and was aimed at a DVD project. You may think you know compression, or
eq. You may think you know every aspect of setting up tracks, and routing effects. You may feel you understand
Reverb. The fact is, everyone does it differently. Everyone will benefit from every section of the DVD
because my methods may be different. What are you work ethics?? I have always been the type to strive to help others around me, more than myself. This
may sound totally corny, but my customers get top priority. I always answer their emails. All those who
order get put on my "Family" list in my email account. If I don't know the answer, I will find it....
I am very honest and respectful, yet totally laid back... Im also instilled with military
values courtesy of the US Army Infantry. LDRSHIP- Loyalty-Duty-Respect-Selfless Service-Honor-Integrity-Personal Courage.